
abstract class RefyItemsHelper<T : RefyItem?>

The RefyItemsHelper class is useful to manage all the RefyItem database operations


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit



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The AttachmentsManagementWorkflow interface useful to manage the workflow to attach or detach items from containers such LinksCollection or com.tecknobit.refycore.records.Team
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interface BatchQuery
The BatchQuery interface to manage the batch queries to insert or delete items in batch


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private val COMMA: String = ","
COMMA comma character
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protected open var entityManager: EntityManager
entityManager entity manager helper
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protected val RELATIONSHIP_VALUES_SLICE: String = "(?, ?)"
RELATIONSHIP_VALUES_SLICE query part to insert in the join table new row
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private val ROUND_BRACKET: String = ")"
ROUND_BRACKET round bracket character
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private val SINGLE_QUOTE: String = "'"
SINGLE_QUOTE single quote character
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protected val TUPLE_VALUES_SLICE: String = "(?, ?, ?)"
TUPLE_VALUES_SLICE query part to insert in the join table new row


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private open fun <I> assembleDeleteBatchQuery(deleteQuery: String, itemToDeleteId: String, values: List<I>): Query
Method to assemble a batch query to delete attachments
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private open fun <I> assembleInsertBatchQuery(insertQuery: String, valuesSlice: String, values: Collection<I>): Query
Method to assemble the batch query to insert attachments
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protected open fun <I> executeDeleteBatch(deleteQuery: String, itemToDeleteId: String, values: List<I>)
Method to execute a batch query to delete attachments
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protected open fun <I> executeInsertBatch(insertQuery: String, valuesSlice: String, values: Collection<I>, batchQuery: RefyItemsHelper.BatchQuery)
Method to execute a batch query to insert attachments
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abstract fun getItemIfAllowed(userId: String, itemId: String): T
Method used to get an item if the user is authorized
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protected open fun manageAttachments(workflow: RefyItemsHelper.AttachmentsManagementWorkflow, valuesSlice: String, itemId: String, ids: List<String>, batchQuery: RefyItemsHelper.BatchQuery)
Method to manage the attachments of an item to a container