
interface RefyResourcesManager : ResourcesManager

The RefyResourcesManager interface is useful to create and manage the resources files of the Refy's system


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit

See also




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val LOGOS_DIRECTORY: String = "logos"
LOGOS_DIRECTORY the key of the logos folder where the logos of the team will be saved
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val PROFILES_DIRECTORY: String = "profiles"
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val RESOURCES_KEY: String = "resources"
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val RESOURCES_PATH: String = "resources/"


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open fun createLogoResource(resource: MultipartFile, resourceId: String): String
Method to create the pathname for a logo picture of a team
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open fun createProfileResource(resource: MultipartFile, resourceId: String): String
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open fun createResource(resource: MultipartFile, resourcesDirectory: String, resourceId: String): String
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open fun deleteLogoResource(teamId: String): Boolean
Method to delete a logo picture of a team
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open fun deleteResource(resourcesDirectory: String, resourceId: String): Boolean
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open fun getSuffixResource(resource: MultipartFile): String
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open fun saveResource(resource: MultipartFile, path: String)