The ChangelogsCreator
class is useful
to manage the creation and the queries to the database for the changelogs
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
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Method to create a changelog when the
project has been added to a Group
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private open fun createGroupChangelog(event: ChangelogEvent, extraContent: String, groupId: String, memberId: String)
Method to create a changelog for a Group
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private open fun createProjectChangelog(event: ChangelogEvent, targetVersion: String, projectId: String, userId: String)
Method to create a changelog for a Project
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Method to create a changelog when a Group
has been deleted
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Method to create a changelog when the user
changed left a Group
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Method to create a changelog when the user
joined in a Group
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Method to create a changelog when the
project has been removed from a Group
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Method to create a changelog when an update
of project has been scheduled
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Method to create a changelog when the user
has been invited in a Group
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Method to create a changelog when an update
of project has been deleted
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Method to create a changelog when an update
of project has been published
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Method to create a changelog when an update
of project has been started
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Method to create a changelog when the role
of the user changed