
object Companion


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DEFAULT_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE the message to send when an error during the communication with the backend occurred

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RESPONSE_DATA_KEY the key for the "response" field

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RESPONSE_STATUS_KEY the key for the "status" field

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USER_IDENTIFIER_KEY the key for the user "id" field

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USER_TOKEN_KEY the key for the user "token" field


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private fun isSuccessfulResponse(response: JSONObject?): SocketManager.StandardResponseCode

Method to get whether the request has been successful or not

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fun <T> JsonHelper.responseData(): T

Extension Method to get directly the response data from the request response

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fun <R : Requester, T> R.sendPaginatedRequest(request: R.() -> JSONObject, supplier: (JSONObject) -> T, onSuccess: (PaginatedResponse<T>) -> Unit, onFailure: (JsonHelper) -> Unit, onConnectionError: (JsonHelper) -> Unit? = null)

Method to execute and manage the paginated response of a request

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fun <R : Requester> R.sendRequest(request: R.() -> JSONObject, onResponse: (JsonHelper) -> Unit, onConnectionError: (JsonHelper) -> Unit? = null)
fun <R : Requester> R.sendRequest(request: R.() -> JSONObject, onSuccess: (JsonHelper) -> Unit, onFailure: (JsonHelper) -> Unit, onConnectionError: (JsonHelper) -> Unit? = null)

Method to execute and manage the response of a request