Equinox Items Helper

abstract class EquinoxItemsHelper<T : EquinoxItem?>

The EquinoxItemsHelper class is useful to manage all the EquinoxItem database operations


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interface BatchQuery
The BatchQuery interface is useful to manage the batch queries to insert or delete values in batch
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InsertCommand list of supported commands to insert records in the batch queries
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The SyncBatchContainer interface is useful to execute the syncBatch method to synchronize the data.


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private val _IN_CLAUSE_: String = " IN "
IN_CLAUSE in clause query part
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val _VALUES_: String = " VALUES "
VALUES values query part
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val _WHERE_: String = " WHERE "
WHERE where query part
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CLOSED_ROUND_BRACKET closed round bracket character
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val COMMA: String = ","
COMMA comma character
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DELETE_FROM_ delete from query command
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protected open var entityManager: EntityManager
entityManager entity manager helper
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OPENED_ROUND_BRACKET opened round bracket character
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QUESTION_MARK question mark character
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val SINGLE_QUOTE: String = "'"
SINGLE_QUOTE single quote character


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protected open fun batchDelete(table: String, values: List<List<out Any>>, columns: Array<String>)
Method to execute a batch delete of a list of data simultaneously
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protected open fun batchInsert(command: EquinoxItemsHelper.InsertCommand, table: String, values: List<out Any>, batchQuery: EquinoxItemsHelper.BatchQuery, columns: Array<String>)
Method to execute a batch insert of a list of data simultaneously
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private open fun findMaxSize(inValues: List<List<out Any>>): Int
Method to find the max size of a list
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private open fun formatColumns(columns: Array<String>): String
Method to format the columns value for the query
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private open fun formatInClause(columns: Int, inValues: List<out Any>): String
Method to format the in clause for the query
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private open fun formatPlaceholder(columns: Array<String>): String
Method to format the placeholder value for the query
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private open fun formatValuesForQuery(start: String, values: List<out Any>, formatter: String, isToClose: Boolean): String
Method to format a list of values for the query
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private open fun mergeAlternativelyInColumnsValues(inValues: List<List<out Any>>): List<out Any>
Method to merge alternatively different lists
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protected open fun <V> syncBatch(container: EquinoxItemsHelper.SyncBatchContainer, table: String, targetId: String, updatedData: List<V>, batchQuery: EquinoxItemsHelper.BatchQuery)
Method to execute a batch synchronization of a list of data simultaneously