The ApplicationsScreenViewModel class is the support class used to execute the requests related to the ApplicationsScreen
N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit
See also
appDescription -> the value of the application description
appDescriptionError -> whether the appDescription field is not valid
appIcon -> the application icon
appIconBorderColor -> the color used for the application icon picker
appName -> the value of the application name
appNameError -> whether the appName field is not valid
filterQuery -> the query filter typed
paginationState -> the state used to manage the pagination for the loadApplications method
platformsFilter -> the list of platforms to use as filter
workOnApplication -> the state to allow the creation or the editing of an application
Method to clear the current filters selected by the user
Method to delete an application
Method to edit an existing application
Method to remove or add a platform to the platformsFilter list
Method to work on an application