Package-level declarations
The EquinoxAlertDialog to warn the user about the application deletion
The custom Dialog wrapped with the Equinox philosophy
The layout where select the filters for the performance data
The EquinoxDialog to use to fill with the filters value to use to fetch the issues
The custom progress indicator visible when the first page of the items requested has been loading
The component to represent the details of an IssueAnalytic
Specific card with the chart of the TOTAL_ISSUES analytic
Specific card with the chart of the ISSUES_PER_SESSION analytic
Specific card with the chart of the LAUNCH_TIME analytic
Specific card with the chart of the NETWORK_REQUESTS analytic
The custom progress indicator visible when a new page of items has been requested
The badge of a Role
Custom HorizontalDivider for the com.tecknobit.ametista.ui.screens.session.SessionScreen to divide each section
The layout to work on AmetistaApplication such add a new one or edit an existing one