
open class SocketManager

The SocketManager class is useful to dynamically manage communication by sockets


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit





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constructor(host: String, serverPort: Int)
Constructor to init SocketManager
constructor(allowMultipleListeners: Boolean)
Constructor to init SocketManager


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open class Listener
The Listener class is useful to manage dynamically the listeners when the allowMultipleListeners is set to "true", allowing the communication and, eventually, the interruption of the routine of the listener
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StandardResponseCode list of available response status code


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allowMultipleListeners whether accept multiple listeners at the same time
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protected open var continueSingleRoutine: Boolean
continueSingleRoutine whether continue the routine for the single listener if allowMultipleListeners is set to "false"
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protected val currentHost: String
currentHost current server host used in the communication
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protected open var currentServerPort: Int
currentServerPort current server port used in the communication
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protected open var defaultErrorResponse: String
defaultErrorResponse default error response
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protected open var defaultSuccessResponse: String
defaultSuccessResponse default successful response
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protected val executor: ExecutorService
"executor" of the routines
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protected open var lastContentRed: String
lastContentRed last content red with readContent or readContent
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listeners list of listeners to use if the allowMultipleListeners flag is set to "true"
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protected val NEW_LINE_REPLACER: String = "@-/-/-@"
NEW_LINE_REPLACER is the constants which indicates the replacer to use when the content message contains multiple lines
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protected open var publicHostAddress: String
publicHostAddress public host address
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protected open var serverSocket: ServerSocket
serverSocket socket managed by the server
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protected val serverUse: Boolean
serverUse whether the runtime use of this class is server side or not
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protected open var socket: Socket
socket socket used in the communication


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open fun acceptRequest(): Socket
Method to accept a new socket request No-any params required
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open fun acceptRequestOn(port: Int): Socket
Method to accept a new socket request
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Method to get allowMultipleListeners instance No-any params required
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Method to stop the communication No-any params required
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Method to get if the listener's workflow needs to continue or not Any param required
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Method to get if the listener's workflow needs to continue or not
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protected open fun exit(errorMessage: String)
Method to print an error occurred and exit with status code 1
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Method to get serverSocket instance No-any params required
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Method to get socket instance No-any params required
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Method to get currentServerPort instance No-any params required
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Method to get executor instance No-any params required
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open fun getHost(publicAddress: Boolean): String
Method to get host where the server is running
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open fun getIpAddress(socket: Socket): String
This method is used to get an ip address from a Socket
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Method to get listeners instance No-any params required
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open fun isServerUse(): Boolean
Method to get serverUse instance No-any params required
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open fun pingHost(timeout: Int): Boolean
open fun pingHost(host: String, port: Int, timeout: Int): Boolean
This method is used to ping a host on a specific port and get whether is reachable
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open fun readContent(): String
Method to read a content message received with the socket request No-any params required
open fun readContent(targetSocket: Socket): String
Method to read a content message received with the socket request
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Method to read the last content message red in the stream with the socket request No-any params required
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Method to send the defaultErrorResponse No-any params required
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open fun sendDefaultErrorResponseTo(host: String, port: Int)
Method to send the defaultErrorResponse
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Method to send the defaultSuccessResponse No-any params required
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open fun sendSuccessResponseTo(port: Int)
open fun sendSuccessResponseTo(host: String, port: Int)
Method to send the defaultSuccessResponse
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open fun <T> setDefaultErrorResponse(defaultErrorResponse: T)
Method to set the default error response to send as error
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open fun <T> setDefaultSuccessResponse(defaultSuccessResponse: T)
Method to set the default successful response to send as success
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open fun startListener(port: Int, routine: Runnable)
Method to start a new listener
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open fun stopAllListeners()
Method to stop the listener's workflow No-any params required
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open fun stopListener()
Method to stop the listener's workflow Any param required

         SocketManager socketManager = new SocketManager(false);
         socketManager.startListener(3218, new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                while (socketManager.continueListening()) {
                    // do listener's workflow
                // listener's workflow when has been stopped

        // your code's workflow

        socketManager.stopListener(); // --> the single listener will be stopped
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open fun stopListenerOn(port: Int)
Method to stop the listener's workflow
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open fun toString(): String
Returns a string representation of the object No-any params required
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open fun <T> writeContent(content: T)
Method to write a content message to send with the socket request
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open fun <T> writeContentTo(port: Int, content: T)
open fun <T> writeContentTo(host: String, content: T)
open fun <T> writeContentTo(targetSocket: Socket, content: T)
open fun <T> writeContentTo(host: String, port: Int, content: T)
Method to write a content message to send with the socket request
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open fun <T> writePlainContent(content: T)
Method to write a plain content message to send with the socket request
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open fun <T> writePlainContentTo(port: Int, content: T)
open fun <T> writePlainContentTo(host: String, content: T)
open fun <T> writePlainContentTo(targetSocket: Socket, content: T)
open fun <T> writePlainContentTo(host: String, port: Int, content: T)
Method to write a plain content message to send with the socket request