
abstract class BaseCipher

The BaseCipher class is useful to manage the different encryption algorithms


Tecknobit N7ghtm4r3



See also



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constructor(algorithm: BaseCipher.Algorithm)
Constructor to init a BaseCipher object
constructor(cipher: Cipher)
Constructor to init a BaseCipher object


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Algorithm list of available algorithms for encryption


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protected open var algorithm: BaseCipher.Algorithm
algorithm used during the encryption and the decryption phases
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protected val cipher: Cipher
cipher to manage the encryption and the decryption phases


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open fun decodeBase64(source: String): Array<Byte>
Method to decode a Base64 source
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open fun decrypt(content: Array<Byte>): Array<Byte>
Method to decrypt a content
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open fun decryptBase64(content: String): String
Method to decrypt a Base64 content
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open fun encodeBase64(source: Array<Byte>): String
open fun encodeBase64(source: String): String
Method to encode in Base64 a source
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open fun <T> encrypt(content: T): Array<Byte>
Method to encrypt any content
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open fun <T> encryptBase64(content: T): String
Method to encrypt and format in Base64 any content
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Method to get algorithm instance No-any params required
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open fun getCipher(): Cipher
Method to get cipher instance No-any params required
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open fun setAlgorithm(algorithm: BaseCipher.Algorithm)
Method to set algorithm instance
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open fun toString(): String
Returns a string representation of the object No-any params required